About Us
About Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists
The Syndicate of Kurdistan Pharmacists was established by law No. 8 (1999) of the syndicate of Kurdistan pharmacists in accordance to parliament regulation No. 20 (4 November 1999) to be an independent foundation.
The syndicate takes care of pharmacists’ affairs and the pharmacist profession in Kurdistan Region Iraq and works to achieve the goals and objectives of the law it has been established by.
Pharmacists have always considered it their duty to pay attention to the health of citizens, by ensuring that the most appropriate medicines are given safely and guide patients on how to use their medicines, in order to have good health. That is why citizens consult pharmacists in pharmacies with the utmost confidence.
Our Vision
SKP vision is to provide safe, high quality patient care in an atmosphere of professionalism, respect, and effective communication. SKP is committed to patient care; being an integral member of the healthcare team responsible for the outcomes associated with the medication use process.
Our Mission
As the voice of pharmacy, the SKP leads the profession and equips members for their role as the medication expert in team-based, patient-centered care. SKP achieves its mission by advancing pharmacists’ optimal roles in team-based, patient-centered care.